Saturday, 28 July 2012

Hello :)

Hello fans :) just a note, Lost and Found should hopefully be updated this weekend... Chapter 20! Woohoo! And quick word count... up to 44,000! Double woohoo! 50,000 words and I'm gunna be well happy, (I might even throw a party including me, myself and I) but the goal is 90,000+ and I think I will get there eventually considering you have another 20 chapters roughly I think to read (once they have been written of course) (I have made a rough plan). You are probably wondering where the story line is going but it will come back round to the beginning eventually... I hope it all makes sense so far, if anyone has any suggestions for any of my other books or anything they want updated (I have noticed Jenny wants My Diary By Jade updated and I am in the progress of doing this) but it is hard trying to think up funny ideas that aren't private jokes between me and my friends... so I will get round to it.
I am also in the process of updating The Darkness... it is another difficult one to write... I think before I continue I may need to write a plan so please bear with (Miranda moment- thank you Tilly for the invention of bear with).

Sorry this is a ramble but if any of you lovelies actually read this, you will now know what is going on hopefully... unless you are confused like my marvellous (cough cough) mind...

Anyway, enjoy summer!! Love KitKatBabe xoxox

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Update on Lost and Found

Right so I have updated it a few days ago but forgot to tell you guys (sowwyy) but in a day or so I will have another chapter updated hopefully :) yay :) xx been spending waayy too much time tanning!! Haha :) such fun :)

Enjoy summer my lovelies :) xx

KitKatBabe xoxo

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Lost and Found, 3 CHAPTER UPDATE!!! Sorry it has taken so so so long but this is a good section and is quite long, several pages of lovely scrumtious reading time for you my lovelies (I'm sorry I have had chocolate)

Laters lovelies KitKatBabe xoxox