I often write stories that I end up thinking 'Urgh, how boring is this one turing out to be?!' But I stick with it and that is how I produced Murder at Midnight (And the follow up Suicide at Sunrise, currently a work-in-progress) and5 Years Before (Which I am still working on but I have still posted it up, I will post on the homepage if I update any of my other stories).
I won't say it isn't hard writing your own book, especially if it is your first becuase you will probably have the urge to copy things from other books you might have read, biggest mistake is to copy so much that you can't publish it becuase the story line is so similar.
Bearing in mind, when you do complete writing your story it might be shorter than you planned or might not be accepted to be published because first books often don't get published (Which is probably a pain to hear I'm sure) but you just need to keep at it! If at first you don't succed, try, try, try again becuase it is really worth it!
Now, down to the meaty bits! I have carefully structured a little guide to help you write your own story, long or short, whichever you prefere! It's time to go back to basics:
Before you even start writing your book you should have a plan set out on PAPER so you know where you are and what is happening next. I started Murder at Midnight with no plan, but, eventually I found it hard to keep going. So I made a plan just of the characters and their details and possible things that could happn to them, plus some main events.
Next, write the first chapter in rough, don't worry too much about perfect punctuation and spelling (Unless the squiggly red line annoys you, it does me)! Read it though and make sure you are happy with it, the best thing you can do is every 1-2 chapters is read back what you've written.
Once you are about a third of the way through your book ask either a parent, guardian, close friend or a relative to read through it for you and help you put the correct punctuation and spellings and help you alter any words or phrases that don't make sense (I had a lot of those!)
Keep on writing bit by bit and soon you will have your first draft. Notice how I say it is only a first draft. You may think it is perfect and you don't need to change it but I promise you will! Again ask an adult (parent, guardian, close friend, relative, e.c.t and you probably get the idea by now!) to read through your first draft and ask them to edit it with you. Make sure they go through it with you so you understand the changes that have had to be made and so you know for future book writing.
You may have to go through many drafts, with Murder at Midnight I proberley went through about 4-6 drafts before I got it anywhere close to being finished and even now I am spotting silly name mistakes and commas are missing. It's silly things like that you really need to watch out for!
If you finally decide you want to get it published don't be dissapointed if you don't get it published with the first person you go to. Go to several people if possible and if that doesn't work but you're desperate to get it published, try self publishing it. It might be expensive though so be wary of how you decide to do it.
I regret saying that I don't have much knowledge of publishing books but all I can really say is that you search online for someone who would like to publish it.
Like I said earlier don't get wound up or stressed if you book doesn't get published because first books usually either take a while or might not be accepted at all. It's just the luck of the draw and how skilled your writing is
Finally, I hope this helps with your story writing and leave me any comments if u want to know anything else and I will try to reply to you asap!
Good luck! KitKatBabe x
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