Wednesday 22 August 2012

Layout change of Lost and Found

            So I've been reading in The Writers And Artists Yearbook (says in posh voice), and it says to indent and never to leave spaces between paragraphs and speech and all that and also I have to double space everything, so when you read it apologises you will have to get used to the format, its just me practising doing all the writers etiquette...
            So yeah... gotta practise these things... :D and also, considering doing another chapter in Chantelles past with more about how her Mother used to behave and not just her Father... I thought it'd be a bit of an insight of how harsh she could be when drunk ect...
            Good idea? I hope so...

            Anyways, have good days :D
            Lots of love KitKatBabe xoxo

I am ashamed

I know it has nearly been a whooole month of no updatyness--- but I just haven't been in the mood to put pen to paper (okay okay, fingers to keyboard- but who's judging right?) I will try so so much to update I'm just at a bit of a loose end doubled up with writers block leaving me completely confuzzled about what to write.

On the plus I have been writing more of the Darkness-- completely re-writing it so it makes more sense, I hope anyway.

Oh and another plus I have been writing more of My Diary By Jade-- just looking for funny inspirations and things like that. I have even resolved to looking through my own past diaries for funnies... I have to admit I do amuse myself quite easily.

Never mind though-- Still very sorry and ashamed at my lack of writing.

Lots of Love :D KitKatBabe xoxo

Sunday 19 August 2012


Okay so I am writing... Just not as much, hopefully in the next week I will be writing more but hey ho hum. I'm re-writing the darkness... I'm afraid it's too confusing so I'm just re writing it so if you were reading that when I update it again, you'll have to read it again-- sorry!! I've been looking into the whole publishing thing in my Writers and Artists yearbook, in preparation for when I finish Lost and Found (not very soon but you know... Maybe another half a year thats if I get a move on a keep writing... But yeah...) Anyways...

Until then, lots of love my lovelies

KitKatBabe xoxo

Tuesday 7 August 2012

I'm sorry :(

Okay so I know i haven't updated, I have had writers block recently and just have not been in the mood to write... chapter 20 is being written, and I promise to try and make it a good one

Sorry *grins evilly*

Keep Posted

KitKatBabe xoxo